Thank you both for helping me investigate my problem. As is usually the case when I have trouble, I did it to myself.
About a year ago, I modified the default to include a Preamble, EndPreamble paragraph that causes documents with no specified date to be printed with "DRAFT" as a diagonal watermark. The current default has two more lines than the old one did: Input Input When I added them to my custom, everything got better. Again, thanks for the help. -- M/S 258-5 |1024-bit PGP fingerprint:|[EMAIL PROTECTED] NASA Ames Research Center | 41 B0 89 0A 8F 94 6C 59| (650) 604-4416 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000| 7C 80 10 20 25 C7 2F E6|FAX: (650) 604-4377 Not an official NASA position. You can't even be certain who sent this!