I use LyX just often enough for the re-learning curve to be annoying, but 
it is still much less annoying than using Word.  This coming week, I'll be 
trying to sell a group consisting of Unix/Linux users, MacOS users, and 
Windows users on the merits of using LyX and CVS for a few jointly 
developed, long lived documents.  To that end, I promised them a demo.  
Unfortunately, since I used it last, my LyX configuration seems to have 
rotted.  I hope you can help.

My FreeBSD 4.9-STABLE system has the latest ports release of LyX, version 
1.3.3.  When I tried using it with the QT front end, it dumped core 
instantly.  No problem; xforms doesn't crash.

Unfortunately, LyX won't even print its own documentation.  Whenever I  
bring up /usr/local/share/lyx/doc/DocStyle.lyx and click the Print button, 
LyX generates three errors, saying nobody def'ed any of the three,


and, yes, that document does have a "float:figure" in it.  Can someone 
give me a quick pointer?

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