On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 01:33:33PM +0200, Michael Logies wrote:
> At 12:14 30.09.2003 +0000, Angus Leeming wrote:
> >The point is that separating your references out into a database allows you
> >to separate data from appearance. You can view the same data in different
> >ways by choosing the bibtex style file to format it with.
> Angus,
> I only want to write a thesis, perhaps one paper based on it. That`s it.
> The way Lyx offers its references ("insert"/ "citation reference") is very 
> nice and allows comfortable handling of references when editing my text. I 
> can`t see an advantage of using a reference manager.

What happens when you want to delete a citation in the text ?
You need to manually search the text (perhaps loading the lyx file
into an external text editor) and check if there is another 
citation to the same document. If the answer is no, you should delete the
document entry in the bibliography, and if the answer is yes, you don't
delete it.
This is a lot of work, and with bibtex you don't need to do it.

PS: Does changing \usepackage{cite} into \usepackage{citesort} solves your
problem ?

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