Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> \pagestyle{empty}
> \clearpage
> %% Contents of copyright page
> \clearpage
> \pagenumbering{roman}
> \setcounter{page}{1}
> %% Table of Contents -- done by LyX
> Preface %% Un-numbered chapter
> %% preface contents
> \pagenumbering{arabic}
> Introduction %% Part # -- done by LyX
> Background %% Chapter 1 -- done by LyX
>   The page reading, "Part 1  Introduction", is numbered, 1. There is a blank
> page and the next recto page is "Chapter 1  Background" with a page number
> of 3.
>   This is not what I want; at least, I don't think that's what I want. 

Try the \frontmatter, \mainmatter, and \endmatter ERT insertions to
get lowercase roman and arabic page numbering where you want them.

If you manually encode every detail of the formatting -- as you seem
to be doing above and in your other recent queries -- you turn LyX and
LaTeX into the equivalent of a PC word-processor.  LyX is cumbersome
used that way, and it really takes takes the joy out of the whole
WYSIWYM concept behind LyX.

Ronald Florence               

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