On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 22:51, Michael Logies wrote: > At 23:58 15.09.2003 +0300, robin wrote: > > >Michael Chabon wrote: > > > >>Thanks for all the help, I got it installed and working, but it's just > >>too much of a pain. > >> > >>I will have to spend money for software, I fear. > > > > > >Well, LyX isn't for everyone - I happen to think it's the best thing since > >sliced bread, but if you want something more point-and-clicky, I'd suggest > >checking out Scribus before you splash out on an expensive DTP > >program. It doesn't have all the functionality of its commercial cousins, > >but it's getting there slowly. I'd still recommend persisting for a while > >with LyX, though - it kind of grows on you. > > I`m quite happy with Lyx now, though I still have some problems. But what I > write shall only become a thesis, I don`t want to sell it ;-) > > Is there anything else than Framemaker (for Windows), which is a real > alternative to Lyx (for Windows) for writing long documents in science? And > as I understood, Framemaker cannot work with long footnotes (Lyx can > continue them on the next page). > > Regards > > M. > -- > http://www.logies.de/ (u. a. _die_ Mailingliste für die Dentalbranche) > PGP-key (RSA/IDEA) kommt mit angeforderter Empfangsbestätigung (return receipt)
Hi, Just one more opinion based on my experience. Last year my MSC coordinator told me he was going away an that I had to finish my thesis in 8 weeks. I end up with more or less one month to write it and I can assure you that if I had to use MSWord it would be impossible. Besides the problems with size, which growth exponentially if you have a lot of maths and figures. The way LyX deals with cross references and citations speeds up your work very much. Also the way it deals with figures drives you to do your figures properly, instead of leaving it half done and than try to fix it in edit mode inside MSWord. All the WYSIWYM stuff (no double spaces, no double lines, etc) helps very much when you have to write fast and don't want to spend half your time with cosmetics. Regarding cooperation with M$ fans, I use pdf (with tex2pdf). Everyone can cut and paste a paragraph into a mail message and just include comments. In my opinion stick to lyx, read the manuals, learn BibTeX (I use it with pybliographer) and you'll have a powerfull tool to write your documents. Regards EJ -- Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Biólogo Marinho/Marine Biologist IPIMAR - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e das Pescas IPIMAR - National Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Av. Brasilia, 1400-006 Lisboa, Portugal Tel: +351 213 027 000 Fax: +351 213 015 948 http://ernesto.freezope.org