> I am quite satisfied with Lyx though I`m using it only for 5 weeks now and > have written only about 40 pages (with some floats and tables). And I like, > that it is open source, because some parts of my thesis should be easily be > copied and integrated in other papers (I will put it on my website as a > lyx- and latex-file besides PDF). I had to discuss a bit with my professor > before he accepted PDF instead of Word97 which he wanted to use with its > "correction function" in our cooperation. Now he prints and corrects > manually, then sending me his corrections (we seldom see us personally).
Perhaps he can use Adobe Acrobat (which costs some money) to change your PDF? > But Lyx (Qt for Windows) is still not there that I can recommend it to a > typical Windows-User. Even not to a scientist? Ouch :( I think most LyX users have made ugly experiences with other word processors (like ms word) and are now very glad to have a deterministic software that produces excellent output. IMHO it is worth to invest some days of training to get used to the word processor of your life :) This is also a good training in structural/logical thinking for physicians, biologists, pedagogues etc. ;-) Cheers! Marcus