Katrin Pietzsch wrote:
> i am using the standard book class, so i suppose
> \setcapwidth[alignment]{width}
> is no option for me, unless there is a possibility to tell lyx to use
> this specific koma-script-command - is there?


> i tried using caption2 instead, but something went wrong. In the
> latex-preamble (layout -> latex-preamble) i inserted a
> \usepackage{caption2}

correct (there are lots of layout options for the package. You might consult 
the documentation, which is only available in german as "anleitung.tex").

> and right before the tablecaption i wrote in TeX-mode:
> \captionwidth{10cm}. Judging by the error-messages i got, this is not
> the right way to do it. The error-messages are as follows:

actually, \captionwidth returns the current length.
Try \setcaptionwidth{10cm} (at the beginning of the float).


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