On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Michael Logies wrote:

> At 03:42 09.08.2003 +0200, Michael Logies wrote:
> >Win XP Prof, Miketex 2.3, Lyx-Qt 1.3.2.
> >If I try to open koma-letter2.lyx "New from template", I get:
> >"Textclass error. The document uses an unknown  textclass "scrlettr2". -- 
> >substituting default"
> Is anyone on this mailing-list with the same configuration who could 
> confirm or not confirm the problem above?
I don't have the same configuration as above, but I do remember having a 
problem with this. Originally I started with the template file, 
koma-letter2.lyx, but that files tries to find the textclass 
'scrlettr2', which doesn't exist... (note the spelling with the 'e').
For me the solution was to upgrade to the latest Koma version and fix a 
spelling error in the .layout-file, IIRC.


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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