I am not getting numbers anywhere, not in the LyX-Help-Documents and not in my own ones. I am definitely using the normal Section type sections and not the Section* ones. In the Navigation menu too I get no numbering of sections and subsections and subsub... and so on. When I render the file to dvi or ps or pdf, everything is perfect: numbers appear where they are supposed to.
Another little curiosity is that even though I never put the apropriate lines int the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist (and I looked and they are not there) my LyX is entirely in German. I wonder how it knows that I am in Germany and using a German OS X? When I put the lines
in it, it still doesn't change to an english interface. Do You think this might have anything to do with the missing section-numbers?
Thanks again,
Am Donnerstag, 24.07.03 um 17:38 Uhr schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Von: Ronald Florence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Datum: Mi, 23. Jul 2003 16:42:26 Europe/Berlin An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: Re: no section numbering within lyx
Till von Reumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
i am using the os x aqua version of lyx 1.3.2. everything works perfectly except that there are no numbers in the sections and subsections of the documents no matter if the document is an "article", a "report" etc.
This is surprising, as I've never seen this problem with LyX Aqua. If you look at one of the LyX help files, do you not get numbered sections? --
Ronald Florence www.18james.com