> %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4 10c11 < %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips cpm-talk -o cpm-talk.ps --- > %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -t a4 -o cpm-talk.ps cpm-talk.dvi 12c13 < %DVIPSSource: TeX output 2003.06.19:2024 --- > %DVIPSSource: TeX output 2003.06.19:2019 791c792,794 < %%PaperSize: A4 --- > %%BeginPaperSize: a4 > a4 > %%EndPaperSize 939c942
I don't know what in lyx I would have to change to stop it adding in the "-t a4" flag or whether this is a dvips bug.
I am using
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
GNU Ghostscript 6.52 (2001-10-20)
gv 3.5.8
Cheers, Raphael