On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 08:50:09AM -0700, Chris Carlen wrote:
Ok, if I use amsmath support, it still complains "cannot use split here." "Did you forget \begin{equation} ?"
Basically, the above code works as ERT, but not if it is pasted into a math mode environment. Oh, the \end{document} shouldn't be there.
Try again: Paste that code into the main LyX text - including the \[ and the \]. Mark it - including \[ and \]. Press C-m.
What happens?
If I paste the code, then select and C-m, it works.
If I C-m and then paste the code, I get errors.
I have noticed that I cannot use X to cut and paste the text from the Latex logfile. That is unfortunate. MAybe I should post something about that one day.
Thanks for the input.
Good day!
-- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]