On Tue, Jun 17, 2003 at 10:38:07AM -0700, Chris Carlen wrote:
I have tried going into math mode, then entering the following:
\[ f: \left( \begin{split} y = &&\\ & f(x) +\\ && +g(x) \end{split} \right) \] \end{document}
which actually shows what I want in LyX, but then gives LaTeX errors.
Like what?
Something indicating that you have not switched on AMS support? [Layout->Document->Extra->Use_AMS]
Ok, if I use amsmath support, it still complains "cannot use split here." "Did you forget \begin{equation} ?"
Basically, the above code works as ERT, but not if it is pasted into a math mode environment. Oh, the \end{document} shouldn't be there.
I thought you said "it actually shows what you want"?
It is close to what I want, but not quite. I don't think the above code is really what I want to solve my problem, but was more of an experiment just to try using someone's suggestion.
My main problem is that I want to enter a system of equations with a left curly brace delimiter. There are four equations, which contain fractional expressions.
The two approaches I have tried so far don't work well, which is to use an array, which uses a smaller font for the fractional expressions, or by using \displaysize, then the fractional expressions are the size I want, but the spacing between rows of the array is too tight, so the fractions overlap.
At this point, I don't know how to get this right without learning much more about LaTeX, and how LyX works with LaTeX code in math mode. There doesn't seem to be a way to get it right directly with the math panel, without resorting to LaTeX code tweaks.
Thanks for your input!
-- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]