> Send your LyX file
Here it's.
BTW, someone on the list has just posted this in another thread:
>You probably created your own .layout files in the ~/.lyx directory.
>Starting from LyX 1.3.0, these file need to contain
> Input stdlayouts.inc
> Input stdfloats.inc
Is this relevant to me? your layout file doesn't contain it!
Thanks a lot for your help.
Munzir Taha,
Telecommunications and Electronics Engineer,
Certified Internet Webmaster, (CIW),
Microsoft Office User Specialist, (MOUS),
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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### This file is part of
### ========================================================
### LyX, The Document Processor
### Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
### Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================
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