Hi Sirs,
First, although I could write arabic well with arabtex, I couldn't mix Arabic 
and English in the same document.
Example: if I typed the letter "h" and view the pdf file, I get the Arabic 
letter "WAW". If I select this same letter "h" and pressed "F12" I got an RTL 
justification and the letter "h" change to Arabic "WAW" on screen. But view 
-> pdf gives this error:

LaTeX Error: File `unknown.def' not found.
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

My preference file conains these lines:
# MISC SECTION ######################################

\ui_file "/usr/share/lyx/ui/default.ui"
\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary "/usr/share/lyx/kbd/null.kmap"
\kbmap_secondary "/usr/share/lyx/kbd/arabic.kmap"

# SCREEN & FONTS SECTION ############################

\popup_font_encoding "iso8859-1"
\screen_font_roman "Times New Roman"
\screen_font_roman_foundry "Xft"
\screen_font_sans "Arial"
\screen_font_sans_foundry "Xft"
\screen_font_typewriter "Courier New"
\screen_font_typewriter_foundry "Xft"
\screen_font_encoding "iso8859-6"

# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################

\rtl true
\language_package "\usepackage{arabtex,iso88596} \setcode{iso8859-6}"
\language_global_options "false"
\language_command_begin "\begin{arabtext}"
\language_command_end "\end{arabtext}"
\language_auto_begin false
\language_auto_end false

My cua.bind file contains the line
\bind "F12"                     "language arabic"
Exporting the file to TeX gives this:
%% LyX 1.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

\usepackage{arabtex,iso88596} \setcode{iso8859-6}


Second, I couldn't figure out whether I could use omega with lyx to type 
Arabic. Any commnets?!

Munzir Taha,
Microsoft Office User Specialist, (MOUS),
Certified Internet Webmaster, (CIW),
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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