I don't know exactly why this fixed the issue but :

I copied .lyx to .lyx.old and ran lyx again. This created a new .lyx directory. It appears that the textclass.lst only existed in the .lyx.old directory.

Here are the contents of textclass.lst

## This file declares layouts and their associated definition files.
## It has been automatically generated by configure
## Use "Options/Reconfigure" if you need to update it after a
## configuration change. Run ./configure manually to update the
## system wide version of this file.
"docbook-book" "book" "DocBook book (SGML)"
"docbook-chapter" "chapter" "DocBook chapter (SGML)"
"docbook" "article" "DocBook article (SGML)"
"docbook-section" "section" "DocBook section (SGML)"
"linuxdoc" "article" "SGML (LinuxDoc article)"
"manpage" "manpage" "SGML (LinuxDoc manpage)"

Not sure what all this stuff does, but not having it fixed the error.

I'm getting the following error when I start lyx:

The document uses an unknown textclass "article".
Lyx will not be able to produce output correctly

I'm running lyx-1.2.3-1 with Linux version 2.4.7-10.

additionally after running rpm -Uvh lyx-1.2.3-1rh73.i386.rpm,

Layout 'Section*' does not exist in textclass 'docbook'.
Trying to use default layout instead.

Any ideas how to fix this?


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