Peter Rexigel wrote:

>Is there a helper application that will check for a running LyX, open
>the file there if it is available, or start LyX if there is none
>running?  Gimp-remote, which does the same for gimp, is the model I'm
>thinking of.

Use the LyxServer-pipe:
1) in the menu-entry "Bearbeiten-Einstellungen-Eingabe-Pfade-LyXServer
pipe"(I use the german translation) put something like
"/home-xx/.lyx/lypipe" (replace /home-xx with your $HOME -path).

2) write a litte script like:
if [ -e ~/.lyx/ ]
 echo "LYXCMD:test:file-open:$1" >~/.lyx/
 read a <~/.lyx/.lyxpipe.out
 echo $a
 lyx -geometry 690x715+0+0 $1
This is excellent! I changed the script to include an "&" after the "lyx $1" so it wouldn't hang around and wait -- works like a charm.

Thanks for the prompt and useful reply. Regards,


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