Fernando Perez wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> > - How can I turn on the instant-preview feature?  I can't seem to find
>> > a toggle for it in any dialog.
>> Edit->Preferences dialog.
>> Look and Feel->Graphics pane
>> Instant preview checkbox
> Silly me.  I actually had this on but thought there was a different option
> for
> it b/c it didn't work.  I hadn't realized I needed the files from the
> sourceforge page first for this to work.  It might not hurt (just to avoid
> stupid questions like mine) to put a little note on that checkbox
> indicating that the preview-latex package from Sourceforge is needed for
> the feature to work.

Or deactivate the checkbox. Maybe.

> The funny thing is, now that the 'normal' (blue math) lyx math rendering
> uses anti-aliased fonts, I think I almost prefer to use that to the
> instant-preview mode.  While it's nice to see the latex rendering 
> there, it just looks a bit clunky next to the smooth fonts of the rest.
> Any chance of activating anti-aliasing for those code snippets (gv 
> does it, so I anti-aliasing for those code snippets (gv does it, so
> I figure it must be doable).  I know, us users are never satisfied :)

We have to accommodate the lowest common denominator. Old versions of gs
tend to die a nasty death if anti-aliasing is too high. Fortunately for you, 
we use a script to control the creation of the preview bitmaps, so you can 
tune to your heart's content.

You'll find the script in LYSSHARE/scripts/lyxpreview2bitmap.sh, where
LYSSHARE is usually /usr/local/share/lyx/.

Look for
if [ ${INT_RESOLUTION} -gt 150 ]; then

        -sDEVICE=${GSDEVICE} -sOutputFile=${BASE}%d.${GSSUFFIX} \
        -dGraphicsAlphaBit=${ALPHA} -dTextAlphaBits=${ALPHA} \


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