> Hi,
> I've recently upgraded from lyx 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and have run into some
> problems with bibtex. My old lyx files still compile perfectly with all
> references in order, however when I have to enter a new citation, the
> citation popup in lyx only displays the first reference in my Bibtex file.
> The only way I can enter new references is to write in latex \cite{key}.
> This works fine but I'm keen to get it working in lyx also. The following
> is how my Bibtex file blah.bib looks:

Our BibTeX parser isn't very robust. All will be fine if you move the key 
onto the same line as the @article etc.

Here's a little sed script that should do it automatically.

sed '/^[   ]*@[a-zA-Z]*{[    ]*$/{; $!N; s/\n//; }' test2.bib > test.bib

No warranty of course ;-)

> @article{
> Anderson95,

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