Hi, I've recently upgraded from lyx 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 and have run into some problems with bibtex. My old lyx files still compile perfectly with all references in order, however when I have to enter a new citation, the citation popup in lyx only displays the first reference in my Bibtex file. The only way I can enter new references is to write in latex \cite{key}. This works fine but I'm keen to get it working in lyx also. The following is how my Bibtex file blah.bib looks:
@article{ Anderson95, Author = {Anderson, M.H.}, Title = {Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Dilute Atomic Vapour}, Journal = {Science}, Volume = {269}, Pages = {198}, Keywords = {BEC, first experiment}, Year = {1995} } @article{ Balykin1988, Author = {Balykin, V.}, Title = {Quantum-State-Selective Mirror Reflection of Atoms by Laser Light}, Journal = {Physical Review Letters}, Volume = {60}, Number = {21}, Pages = {2137}, Keywords = {Electric fields}, Year = {1988} } . . . Would anyone know what I'm doing incorrectly? Thanks in advance. Ben