I am having no luck at all converting a simple set of foiltex slides
into html using "export->html" with the converter set to the default
which is latex2html in my case.  I would be very grateful indeed if
anyone could have a look at the attached file and give me any tips on
how to do this...

The problems I have are many fold but in short the inline maths come out
completely wrong.

P.S. I am using lyx 1.2.1

#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 220
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\layout ShortFoilhead

Interconnection networks
\layout Itemize

Interconnection networks can be 
\series bold 
\series default 
\series bold 
\layout Itemize

\series bold 
\series default 
 networks are point-to-point.
 They are sometimes called 
\series bold 
\layout Itemize

Typically used for message-passing computers 
\layout Itemize

\series bold 
\series default 
 networke are built using switches and communication links 
\layout Itemize

\series bold 
\series default 
 networks are referred to as 
\series bold 
\layout Itemize

Typically used to construct shared-address-space computers 
\layout ShortFoilhead

Dynamic Interconnection Networks
\layout Itemize

Consider implementing an EREW PRAM with 
\begin_inset Formula $p$

 processors and 
\begin_inset Formula $m$

 words of RAM 
\layout Itemize

The number of switching elements needed is 
\begin_inset Formula $\Theta (mp)$

\layout Itemize

If the memory is organised into 
\begin_inset Formula $b$

 banks this can be reduced to 
\begin_inset Formula $\Theta (bp)$

 switching elements 
\layout Itemize

However, the model is weakened as no two processors can access the same
 bank of memory simultaneously 
\layout Itemize

We always assume that 
\begin_inset Formula $p<b$

 Otherwise a processor may be left with no memory it can access 

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