from Rich Shepard:
> Peter,
>   Why are you exporting the document when you want to print it? I have used
> the pdflatex option on the export menu because it gives me nice output, but
> it doesn't work well printing to a file.
>   Try File -> Print (or just ctrl-p) and tell us what happens.
> Rich


I think Matej suggested exporting to postscript to try and determine where 
the problem exists.  

When I create a file "test" and save it, it is saved under the name 
"test.lyx"  (File extension .lyx was set in outputs -> preferences.)  When I 
print it, the xpp panel pops up and the name is changed to ""  And 
there is no directory information before the file name.  

If I continue with the print panel, I get the error message:  "Unable to 
print file '' -- client-error-not-found"  

If I add the directory information and put the extension back to .lyx 
(/home/peter/test.lyx) I get the following printed on my printer:

#LyX 1.1 created this file.  For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language english
(other formatting information)
(what I typed in my document)

Still confused,
Peter Christensen

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