On Friday 29 November 2002 17:44, Mario A. Yandar wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm making thesis document using LyX with class DocBook - Book, its look
> very nice, but LyX no has much docbook elements.

  I will accept suggestions regarding elements to add. :-)

> I need generate List of figures, List of tables, algorithms, etc, so need
> include bibliography, but can't make it.

  List of tables and figures are controlled by the style sheets that are used 
to produce the output formart. So those don't belong to lyx.

  Bibliography is another matter, it should be easy to add, but I never felt 
the need for it. Since I will soon need in my own work I am considering to 
add the support to do it.

> if somebody can to say how to make it, please helpme.. I see examples of
> "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" but obtain errors. An complete example of
> thesis in structure should VERY USEFUL ..

  The main problem with lyx now is the lack of support for inline styles. I 
would say that it is possible to write such a thesis but you should consider 
that it will not have as markup as it "should" (whatever that is).

  If are prepared to do your thesis in docbook, using lyx or not, you should 
be aware to simples changes that you will need to do to the style sheets to 
control the output. Some of those changes are due to different requirements 
that your place puts on the graphical output of your thesis.

> Some people not recommended using docbook for thesis documents but it is
> useful for quick update, publish options, presentation.


> Thanks for help and excuse me for my bad english..

  :-) Come on. :-)
José Abílio

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