Hello, I'm making thesis document using LyX with class DocBook - Book, its look very nice, but LyX no has much docbook elements.
I need generate List of figures, List of tables, algorithms, etc, so need include bibliography, but can't make it. if somebody can to say how to make it, please helpme.. I see examples of "DocBook: The Definitive Guide" but obtain errors. An complete example of thesis in structure should VERY USEFUL .. Some people not recommended using docbook for thesis documents but it is useful for quick update, publish options, presentation. Thanks for help and excuse me for my bad english.. -- *----- Mario Andrés Yandar Area de Sistemas e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Observatorio Sismológico del SurOccidente - O.S.S.O A.A. 25360 Cali - Colombia Tel +57(2)3301661 Fax +57(2)3313418 *-----