Christian Ridderström wrote:
> To be honest, I'm not sure outline is correct word.. in Swedish I'd call 
> it "disposition"... anyway I think about it as editing the structural 
> content of the document. ... hmm, maybe "structure mode" is better?

There is much more in what is traditionally called outliner
programs than just folding. Outliners are unfortunately pretty
rare these days, but there were some excellent ones on M$-DOS --
MaxThink was my favorite (see for the
current version for Windows, which is unfortunately much less
neat than the original).

Therefore, I do not think, that we should create new name for
something which is very well named.


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Science is meaningless because it gives no answer to our
question, the only question important to us: ``What shall we do
and how shall we live?''
    -- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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