> Takashi Soma wrote:
> >>Here are a sample EPS file from IDL and LyX error message. I don't know
> the boundingbox of the file is wrong. However it should be
> converted. Could you try
> 1. eps2eps testeps.eps testeps2.eps
> and then load the second one
> and try
> 2. a converter eps to xpm "convert -depth 8 $$i $$o"
> in edit->preferences->converter
> Herbert
I don't have eps2eps. Is it in the LyX package? I run lyx-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm
on Linux 7.1J. Using ps to eps in gsview32.exe and with the -depth 8 in eps
to xpm, the problem is still not solved. The problem seems related to the
way in which functions are defined for drawing line in ps script. The eps
file from GNUPLOT works fine. This phenomenon became evident after I
upgraed LyX from 1.6 to 2.1.
T Soma