On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 12:37:45AM +0000, robin wrote:
> >>I don't suppose this is feasible, but is there any command for LyX or 
> >>LaTeX that will alter the depth of all section headings; e.g., change 
> >>Chapter to Section, Section to Subsection etc. (or vice versa)?  Often I 
> >>start writing a document in one class and want to change it to another, 
> >>or need to produce two alternative versions of a document (e.g. a 
> >>compact version using Article(AMS) and a deluxe executive version using 
> >>Report(komascript) - it's no problem if the two classes have the same 
> >>depth of headings, but when one supports Chapter and the other doesn't, 
> >>it requires a lot of fiddling.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >It is possible.
> >One solution is to define a hacked ams-article layout,
> >called e.g. amsart2.layout:

Less drastic solution is to export to LaTeX, make changes there
(which is quite simple in any reasonable text editor) and then
reimport into LyX.


138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The main idea of the pope's asking for forgivness was not to be
afraid of the truth. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF TRUTH! We have to have
faith in the God's governing power to be able not to be afraid.
    -- On NPR The Connection from March 13, 2000

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