On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 09:50:33PM +0000, robin wrote:
> I don't suppose this is feasible, but is there any command for LyX or 
> LaTeX that will alter the depth of all section headings; e.g., change 
> Chapter to Section, Section to Subsection etc. (or vice versa)?  Often I 
> start writing a document in one class and want to change it to another, 
> or need to produce two alternative versions of a document (e.g. a 
> compact version using Article(AMS) and a deluxe executive version using 
> Report(komascript) - it's no problem if the two classes have the same 
> depth of headings, but when one supports Chapter and the other doesn't, 
> it requires a lot of fiddling.

It is possible.
One solution is to define a hacked ams-article layout,
called e.g. amsart2.layout:
--------------------------------- cut here
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[amsart]{article (AMS*)}

Input amsart

Style Chapter
  CopyStyle Section

Style Section
  CopyStyle Subsection
---------------------------------- cut here
place it in ~/.lyx/layouts and select Edit->reconfigure.

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