Thanks for your reply. I have put some remarks in your message. Please 
read on.

Peter Suetterlin wrote:

>Which sounds believable, as /usr/local/teTeX/bin/ is most probably not
>in your PATH, or at least not in the PATH for root.  Or did you create
>links in /usr/local/bin that point to the tex binaries?
I have not created any links. /usr/local/bin/ is completely empty. How 
do I create links and what should they look like? The other solution 
might be to install teTeX in /usr/local/, or is that not such a good 
idea as it seems? /usr/local/teTeX contains the four folders bin, info, 
man and share. In /usr/local/ bin, info and share are empty, but man 
isn't, so I'm afraid I'll overwrite that one. I'll go for the links 
trick. How do I do that?

>In doubt first try 
>rpm -UhvF --nodeps --force lyx-1.2.1*
I just tried. It takes suspicously short and LyX doesn't change, so I 
don't think it even reinstalled LyX. Have you got any idea why? I've got 
root priviledge, that is, I used su root.

>and see if it works then.
>Apart from that, the error messages come from LyX's configuration
>script.  You could also try to re-run it as user (given that your PATH
>is correct for the user - can you start those binaries as user?)
Yes, as a user, so in a terminal where I've not used su root, I can 
start the dvi viewer with /usr/local/teTeX/bin/xdvi.

Vinay Ramnath wrote:

>>formats. Also, I can't remove it, using rpm -e lyx*.
>If you have been typing exactly that it's no wonder - rpm doesn't
>understand the *.  You have to "rpm -e lyx"...
No, I've not been typing exactly that. I wrote the complete filename. It 
is funny however. When I use this command, the computer replies that 
this file is not installed and when I try to install it, it says that it 
is already installed. Well, it is installed, 'cause I can run it, partly.


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