Malte Negendank wrote:
> I've got a problem with gettting the French spell check running (lyx
> version1.2.0). I've got the English and the German one installed as well,
> they're working fine... Only when I try to have some French text spell
> checked, nothing happens (the spell check dialogue doesn't open, and lyx
> doesn't react to anything for some ten seconds). Am running Suse 8.0, dunno
> if that could have any effect on the spell check function, though.

Sounds like the french dictionary is not available. Do you use ispell or 
aspell (Bearbeiten -> Einstellungen -> Sprache -> Rechtschreibung)? Install 
the french distionary for ispell/aspell from the SuSE CD, if you don't have 
already (check /usr/lib/ispell or /usr/lib/aspell).
Starting LyX from the console might give you a spellchecker error which is 
more informative.


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