On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 11:04:29AM +0200, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> But the problem is also present for the \iiint and this is from a "well known"
> package, isn't it?

Yes, but here the problem is that it is not a symbol (as in "one char from
some font") but a macro that uses several symbols.

> > To everybody: I found a \oiint in some  pxfonts.sty in my local LaTeX tree.
> > Is this widely used/sufficiently common that proper LyX support for these
> > things would count as "nice feature"?
> http://www.lyx.org/help/symbols/wasysym.php has a oiint also

Ah... so we "support" wasysym by providing help? 

Why don't we do "Right" it as we do with the AMS Fonts then?


> Also, I have a bug that's really bothering me (I can live with this
> "limits" bug, and also with the "crash with E"). It seems the mini
> buffer does not answer when I click in it.

What happens if you type M-x? This is the short cut to access the

> How can I delete an
> "etiquette" (sorry, I don't know the original word for it, my LyX is
> localised French) of an equation? The usuer manual says "You can turn off
> numbering of a specific line by entering math-nonumber in the minibuffer
> " but how can I access it? (
> http://www.lyx.org/~jug/lyx/lyxdoc/UserGuide/node34.html )

M-x math-nonumber


M-m n   should be possible as well.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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