Ling Li wrote:

> LyX 1.2.0 can not work with floats (figure or table, ...) included in a
> paragraph with \emph on. For example, it will translate into LaTeX code
> like:
>     \emph{ .... \begin{table} ...\end{table} ...}
> which can not compile.

why should this not compile??

\emph{ blah %
                \begin{tabular}{|c|}\hline blah\\\hline\end{tabular}%

run it with latex or do the same in lyx. LyX exports this like

\emph{blah \begin{table}

and it's a real bug, because \emph toggles and the "Blah" in the
cell is upright.


p.s.: and do me a favour and don't attach the whole quoted mail at the
end of your messages.


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