LyX 1.2.0 can not work with floats (figure or table, ...) included in a
paragraph with \emph on. For example, it will translate into LaTeX code
    \emph{ .... \begin{table} ...\end{table} ...}
which can not compile.

While in LyX 1.1.6fix4, LyX will correctly shift the mode:
    \emph{ .... }\begin{table} ...\end{table}\emph{ ...}

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Heiko [iso-8859-15] Schröder wrote:

> Hi to all,
> IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0
> does not have. These things are:
> a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
> 1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.
> b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
> 1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.
> c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
> 1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed
> (very uncomfortable)
> d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use
> Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter
> TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
> 1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed.
> So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding,
> you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and
> *very* critical).
> e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
> 1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very
> important)
> Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less
> comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to
> insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other
> editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are
> concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has
> become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands
> when using the TeX surrounding.
> Greetings Heiko Schroeder
> --
> Heiko Schröder
> Ahrensburg, Germany

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