Hi Herbert -

Wow - talk about fast replies.

I have attached one of the epsi files to this email (*not* in this newsgroup 
posting - I have sent a separate email directly).

I think, though, that the problem might be with "convert". When running it 
from the command line I can re-create the lyx console errors:

>convert pendula.epsi pendula.png
convert: Unable to open file (./magicI4WIDx) [No such file or directory].
convert: Missing an image file name.

FWIW, the epsi figures were generated from ps. I use OpenOffice to draw most 
of my figures, which I then print to a ps file. The problem is that the ps 
file has a bounding box that encompasses the *whole* page. To solve this, I 
run the ps files through `pstill' which converts them to a nicely bounded 
file. Then, I use `ps2epsi' to generate the final epsi.

These epsi files do render properly in konqueror's file preview, btw.

- R 

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