This message was posted last Thursday and I'm rather surprized that no one
has responded to my request for help. Did I not clearly explain my problem?
I would greatly appreciate some pointers to working with tables in an
article class document.

  I've just encounted the need for a table in an article document. I've read
the Users Guide (all appropriate sections), but still cannot get the display
correct. Let me try to put all my questions separately.

1) I want to separate the table from the body of the text. But, I want a
table caption, preferably above the table. So far, it's just another

2) The table has 2 columns and 5 rows. I figured out (by reading and
trial-and-error) how to make the right-hand column cells multi-line and left
justified while the heading for that column is centered. I did this by
highlighting the text in each cell in that column, one by one, and accessing
the table dialog box. In the cell tab I chose multiline, then specified
"left" alignment and "4in" width. When I try to view the dvi output, I get
error boxes all over the right side of the table and immediately below it.

  Any idea what I screwed up here?

3) I'd like the table centered on the page. I've twiddled with the right
column (see point 2 above), but left the left column alone. Also, now the
table is at the end of the article; it would be nice to place it closer to
where it's referenced. I don't know how to do this now.

  I know that table manipulation is very easy once one knows how. :-) Am I
supposed to place the whole thing in a float? From what I read, that's not
the normal way of placing a table in the text.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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