On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 03:48:54PM -0500, Paul Tremblay wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 09:38:09PM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
> > another one is to throw bibtex out of the window and use amsrefs
> > (on www.ams.org). It does not do any such ugly things.
> I just checked out this website. It seems like the amsrefs
> package is meant for publishing mathmatical documents, something
> I won't be doing. Also, if I understand it correctly, amsrefs
> doesn't wouldn't offer any flexibility. The database of your data
> base has to be what you would use in a latex document. What
> happens if you need to change one element in this database?
> Wouldn't you have to every single entry by hand?

Wrong on both counts :-).

1) Although AMS is concerned mostly with the mathematic
   (surprise!), they are also publishers who are dissatisfied
        with the BibTeX. Therefore, amsrefs is entirely
        non-mathematical thing--just a replacement of BibTeX written
        entirely in LaTeX.

2) Let me see from the example document (jktest.ltb):

                  author={Andrews, G.~E.},
                  title={The {T}heory of {P}artitions},
                  publisher={Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its
                                                 Applications, Vol. 2, Addison-Wesley,

        It does not seem like what you will use in your document, does
        it? And I do not think, how maintenance of the database
        consisting from such blocks is more difficult than maintenance
        of BibTeX database (of course, unless you use Pybibliographer,
        but _that_ I found totally unsufficient to my needs, so I am
        using good old EMACS/vi for BibTeX databases anyway).

                Happy LyXing!


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