I found the tip on importing xfig drawings http://www.lyx.org/help/xfig/xfig.html as well as Allen Barker's essay referred to there. That essay is nicely done and the steps involved in the various approaches are pretty easy to follow.
But it does not work quite the way I expect. I originally wanted to be able to resize drawings without making the text change sizes. When I do eps drawings, the text gets too small or too big if I resize. I think I understand from the tips that this not feasible at all, the best one can do is draw the graph the right size and then there are a couple of strategies for dealing with the text size in the drawing. I THOUGHT (always dangerous!) from the tip sheet that if I use the xfig export as pslatex/ps trick, that I would have a figure in which the text is the same font/size as the surrounding document and the picture part would be fixed. The doc warns that it is important to get the size right in xfig, and I think I understand why. But here's the part I don't get. When I include a pslatex_t file, the image shows, but if I change fontsize in the document, the font size change affects not only the font size in the drawing, but it makes the graph part bigger too. Highlighting a float and changing the character layout to "huger" affects everything, not just text. But I had it drawn correctly at the start. I just want to change the text. So I'm left wondering what's the good of that, if I drew the picture the right size, and only want to adjust the size of the text, where did I fall off the train? I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that a regular old eps export, from a document that is the right size and with the appopriate font, is the correct way to go. These other things are too hard to understand. -- Paul E. Johnson email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dept. of Political Science http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086 Lawrence, Kansas 66045 FAX: (785) 864-5700