
I've been having a lot of problems reimporting latex files that have
been created using
the export to latex option in lyx. Some I've been able to get around,
but this one is serious.
When dealing with figures and captions, the reimported files have the
caption and the figure
separated. Since posting ps files is not an option I'll give a brief
description of how to produce
the problem.
1) Open lyx and create a new file.
2) insert a figure and create a caption for it.
3) view the dvi .
4) export to latex.
5) import the file to latex.
6) view the resulting dvi.

In my experience the result of 3 and 6 are not the same. The caption can
be inserted way
before the image or way after it. I use lyx 1.1.5fix 1 on solaris since
I am unable to compile the
latest ones with SUN's CC compiler version 5.0.
Has anybody seen this problem? Any way around it?


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