On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 03:08:27PM +0100, Morten S. Nielsen wrote:

> Sorry if this is a bit outdated, but this bug still seems to exist.
> In figinset.C there seems to be a problem with execlp if one uses 
> ghostscript 6.51 + 
> The gs process starts but never exits. Why I don't know. One can go 
> into /proc and see the commandline arguments, but this doesn't explain
> where it hangs. If you're curious I could try to strace gs. But for now
> I'll just report the workaround.

This is what happens when you are using a menu in lyx when rendering is finished
by the ghostscript child. It is an xforms bug we can do nothing about.

> If using ghostscript 5.50 it always works fine. 
> On my system lyx 1.1.6-fix3 works with Ghostscript 6.51 when setting  
> \ps_command to "/usr/bin/gs "
> in lyxrc.defaults or equivalent
> It's the first argument to execlp which must end with a space (works
> also when setting the first string to " ") 

This is /thoroughly/ bizarre. There is no binary named "/usr/bin/gs " so
I am amazed it works at all. Are you sure about this ?


"This bulletin discusses three security vulnerabilities that are unrelated
except in the sense that both affect ISA Server 2000"
        - Microsoft Product Security

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