On Sun, 16 Sep 2001, Praedor Tempus wrote:
> Hmpf...I tried the dings you mention, they are not the correct ones. The box
> and diamond I seek are in the "Standard" list. There is an open/unfilled box
> and diamond. Selecting the box doesn't give a proper ding number, it gives
> me "\(\Box\)" in the latex window. Inserting this into the appropriate
> location does nothing but error out because it requires a number, a number
> that selecting the shape doesn't provide. The same thing happens with the
> open/unfilled diamond.
> Why don't any of the Standard dings/shapes provide proper numbers and only
> provide unusable latex commands? Or is there some other preamble command
> required?
Okay here's another super-duper little tip for using the bullets dialog to
figure out how to embed the symbol of your choice into your document:
1. File->New
2. File->Export->LaTeX
3. copy the exported file to a different directory or rename
4. Layout->Document->Bullets
5. select the bullet you want to use in your document and press OK
6. File->Export->LaTeX
7. compare the previously exported file to the new one:
diff -u previous.tex newfile.tex
You'll see a couple of lines like:
diff -u previous.tex newfile.tex
--- previous.tex Thu Sep 20 13:12:15 2001
+++ newfile.tex Thu Sep 20 13:12:30 2001
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -11,6 +12,10 @@
+ \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\(\Box\)}
The ones we're interested in are the ones with the "+" signs.
The usepackage line tells us which package the symbol comes from.
So you'll need to add that line to your preamble unless you follow the
alternate suggestion from my previous email of just setting one of the
levels of your itemize bullets to the symbol you want. BTW, it should
always be safe to have multiple usepackages of the same symbol/font
packages so if you change bullets later you shouldn't get any errors
because you have also included that package in your preamble.
The later group of lines includes the latex command we would have seen
provided in the dialog. In this case, "\(\Box\)".
You then place the LaTeX command into an Insert->TeX in your document.
Another alternative way of finding characters and their packages is to
search your computers online LaTeX documentation for files with character
tables. Browse through the .dvi files in the subdirectories of
For example when I wrote the bullet support years ago I browsed through
the dvi files in $TEXPATH/texmf/doc/latex/general/ and looked at all the
character tables there for suitable bullet-like characters. You may find
mention of other things in the $TEXPATH/texmf/doc/latex/base/fntguide.dvi
or $TEXPATH/texmf/doc/fonts/ directory.
Or just get hold of "The LaTeX Companion" or some other LaTeX book that
has character tables in it.
Allan. (ARRae)