>>From: Robin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Why Lyx?
>>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 17:51:33 +0300
>>On Wednesday 05 September 2001 17:45, Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:
>>> >>Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:08:24 +1000
>>> >>From: Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> >>Subject: Why Lyx?
>>> >>I wish I could use Lyx at work. Unfortunately the manual for the
>>> >>software I work on is required (by the client) to be in Word-readable
>>> >>format.
>>> My colleagues come across this kind of request often, frankly I find
>>> it hard to understand.
>>> Does the client want to edit the manuals ?
>>> If the answer is yes, OK, but if it is no, PDF or HTML are
>>> much better from the point of view of navigation or indexation
>>> on the electronic support, anf PDF is equivalent for the paper support.
>>> Do I miss someting there ?
>>HTML is Word-readable, and the best way of getting most documents from LyX to
>>Word. If the recipient wants to edit it, they can turn it into a Word
>>document or whatever they want.
Sure, but the back operation is a mess, most of the original structure
is lost (but happily the figures can be managed outside Word).
but of course it's up to them...
My point is that if a set of people want to share a typesetting tool,
it's negotiation between them. But sharing a non-editable result
with unknonm people should be done in plain text, HTML or PDF.
This is a consequence of the currently available reading/printing tools
of course, and liable to change...