>    I'm just trying to do some documentation in LyX using the DocBook
> layout style and I'm finding a few things which are making life difficult.

Me too.

For starters, tables outside of floats don't get wrapped properly.
Looking over the code doesn't give me any obvious ways to fix things,
either -- I see the InsetFloat:: object (insets/insetfloat.C) generates
the <table> and </table> tags, and LyXTabular::DocBook() (tabular.C)
generates everything in between. 

I'd code up an ugly hack like setting & testing a global, but then
again I'm a tech writer instead of a Real Programmer. The most
winning behavior IMO would be to wrap non-floating tables in
<informaltable> ... </informaltable> (no title/caption necessary).

Off to stir things up in lyx-doc...


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