On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 03:49:55PM +0300, Baruch Even wrote:
> > Agreed, there is no way to pass this info to docbook. Or we could take
> > care of that with the new code. Is that feasible? (Baruch)
> The new code can probably be extended to do it, but I'd rather not do it
> for this version, I'm still fighting my way to get what I have into a
> working version so that it will be present in 1.2
> > Example: If the user requests a scaled picture we create a temporary
> > figure and pass that one to the output.
> If current improvement will make it into 1.2, this can be done for 1.3.
Ok, I'll wait.
> --
> Baruch Even
> http://baruch.ev-en.org/