The following gives me sections centered and uppercase et. cet:


Keep in mind that the upper case will not show up in your screenfont unless 
you change the LyX style--but the change should be reflected in your ps or 
dvi output.

Also, in your example, I think you want \bfseries rather than simply \bf. 

Don't put \pagebreak in there. Either modify the layout file, or just insert 
it after the section command in your document.

On Monday 30 July 2001 08:21 am, you wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Thank you all who responded, I have now for the most part exactly as I
> like. Just few small things left...
> > \uppercase{ blah } in tex red or define your oen uppercase-button
> > in lyx menu
> Thanks. Works, but not for a style such as sections, where I try to do
>       \sectionfont{ \centering \large \bf \pagebreak \uppercase }
> Anything possible like this (or I can just manually set some text
> uppercase, but if I then change some section into subsection or vice
> versa, I'd need to rewrite the labels by hand: subsection headers don't
> contain capitalized text, just section headers).
> > in preamble (e.g. for toc):
> > \AtBeginDocument{%
> >   \renewcommand\contentsname%
> >      {\textsc{Contents}}%
> > }
> Didn't quite work, however, it works if I put just
> \renewcommand\contentsname{CONTENTS}
> right before the TOC. So, thanks.
> > make your own titlepage with different character-sizes
> Did this, it's fine now.
> The problem was that the Title was so long that it spanned two lines and
> when I used "Large" style without \maketitle, the line spacing was far too
> small (which it wasn't with the \maketitle).  However, I read about
> "setspace" package and \doublespace and with it it's perfect.

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