Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> It's the time for my diploma thesis. Our University has rules that quite
> well match the default LaTeX settings, but not exactly.
> First I'd like to ask, which is easier/better to customize, Koma-script or
> some standard LaTeX style (I'm using koma-article since it seems to
> match best). It looks like Koma matches slightly better the rules, but I
> can't do everything with it what I could do in standard report.

difficult to say, depends to your text
> 1) Is possible to automatically captilize some words, \capitalize{some
> text}? I do not mean smallcaps. I can of course just write the text with
> SHIFT PRESSED DOWN put it's cumbersome and I'd like to automatically
> capitalize first-level sections.

\uppercase{ blah } in tex red or define your oen uppercase-button
in lyx menu

>    Furthermore, I want the words "Contents" and "References" in caps. If I
> could just automatically captitalize the section style, that should do
> it. If not, how can I redefine these two words into capital versions?
> I tried \def\contentsname{CONTENTS} but it didn't work.

in preamble (e.g. for toc):

> 2) Section/chapter title styles.
>   Reading komascript docs, I found how to set a style that is applied to
> all levels of (sub)section headers. Is it possible to set some style to
> be, for example, first level section specific?

try package secsty or tocloft

> 3) Caption style. By default Latex gives "Figure 1: A nice picture" but I
> want "Figure 1. A nice picture". I read
>         http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/floats/caption.html
> which works for figures but not for tables: for tables it should be
> "Table 1. Some statistics" but the word "Table" is replaced with the word
> "Figure".

\renewcommand\thetable[2][]{\arabic{table}. #1}

> 4) Is it possible to right-align the Author on title page and make space
> between it and the Title, how? I did this with Ctrl-Enter and Ctrl-Space,
> works but is ugly.

make your own titlepage with different character-sizes

> 5) Is it possible to vertically-center the Title on title page, how?
> I tried to use VFills but they didn't work.

see above.



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