Dear fellow LyXers,

LyX is my favourite programme so I was quite disappointed in not having
it work "right out of the box" on FreeBSD, installed from the "ports"
tree. Everything compiled and was installed without any error messages.
So I cannot figure out if the problems are LyX and/or LyX specifically
with FreeBSD.


1. only the basic English documents classes exist, "letter, article"
etc. no non-English classes are available, although the non-English
templates exist. (sob :-(  cannot load all of my docs properly, as under
classes like "din-brief".)

2. xdvi cannot find the files to preview

3. printing does not work, although lpr (printer lp) are installed,
configured and working

Would very much appreciate a helping hand from someone who has been thru
this already. Have also posted an enquiry to the responsible for the
port at FBSD.



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