On Wed, 11 Jul 2001 15:47:39 +0200 wrote Thomas de Grenier de Latour
> Guenter Milde wrote:
> >
> > PS: Question to the gurus:
> >
> > Could I have a function or macro that does this but
> > also changes the font to roman?
> >
> > \bind "C-S-underscore" "math-insert _\mathrm{}" does not work
> There is a lyx function called "command-sequence" which can help to
> define strange shortcuts. Try something like this:
> \bind "C-S-underscore" "command-sequence math-insert _;
> math-insert mathrm;"
> But this work only for the first char after the mathrm, because there is
> no {}.
Thanks for the tip with "command-sequence".
(Dear documenters: could I have found it somewhere in the documentation??
->otherwise this is a documentation request)
\bind "C-S-underscore" "command-sequence math-insert _; math-insert mathrm;"
did not do what I wanted either (especially becouse then I have a red mathrm
in my Text.)
However, it brought me on the right track: in my bind.gm I have now
# subscript and superscript with roman fonts
\bind "C-S-underscore" "command-sequence math-insert _; font-roman;"
\bind "C-asciicircum" "command-sequence math-insert ^; font-roman;"
and this works like expected (and WYSIWYM).