On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 23:58:50 +0300 wrote Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 04:38:33PM -0400, Wonil Chang wrote: > > Hello all, > > > > I need to convert a long data file (more than 100 rows and 5 columns) to a > > table in lyx. I tried to insert tabular by clicking on the table menubar, but > > the maximum row configured by default is 50. How can I increase the limit? > > You can change the limits only by changing the source. > It is also possible to use script for converting a text file into a LyX table. > See http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg11775.html The csv2lyx script has improved much since this posting. (Would it be ok to send it to the list?) > > I have to use subscripts and superscripts for chemical formula very often. Is > > there any package that can make my life a little bit easier? > > Since I'm not a chemist, I don't know about such packages. > But you can use math macros (see the user guide). Math macros are ok for a complex/long formula that appears quite often in your text: you define it one time (which is a bit tedious) and then you can use it all over the place. (See the attached lyx-file for an example) If you have a lot of different fromulas, it might be helpfull to define keybindings for sub- and superscript: In my keybindings-file I have \bind "C-S-underscore" "math-insert _" # subscript \bind "C-asciicircum" "math-insert ^" # superscript So for water, I press H Ctrl-_ 2 Esc O. Note that I don't need to switch to math_mode with Ctrl-M, as Ctrl-_ does this for me (if not already in, but then I could simply use _ without Ctrl). PS: Question to the gurus: Could I have a function or macro that does this but also changes the font to roman? \bind "C-S-underscore" "math-insert _\mathrm{}" does not work defining a (math-macro sub 1) does not work either (font changes cannot be included in the macro definiton in a WYSIWYM manner, only via \textrm{#1} all in red) Guenter -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/ \lyxformat 218 \textclass article \language german \inputencoding latin1 \fontscheme default \graphics default \paperfontsize default \spacing single \papersize a4paper \paperpackage a4 \use_geometry 1 \use_amsmath 0 \paperorientation portrait \leftmargin 2cm \topmargin 1cm \rightmargin 2cm \bottommargin 2cm \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation skip \defskip medskip \quotes_language german \quotes_times 2 \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle plain \layout Standard \begin_inset FormulaMacro \newcommand{\LiTa}{\textrm{LiTaO}_{3}} \end_inset \layout Comment The macro LiTa was created with \layout Comment M-x math-macro LiTa \layout Comment To make it available, copy to some place in the document. \layout Comment To use it, write \backslash LiTa in math-mode (^C) and you will get \begin_inset Formula \( \LiTa \) \end_inset \the_end