I will change the english in the documentation (and the suggestion too, of
When I have made the changes, I post it. The script self I will send it at you,
who ask me.
If someone want, I send the script (version 0.0.0fix1 :-) in the mailinglist
Guenter Milde wrote:
> > I send you my very little perlscript. If you think it is long, its not true.
> > there are a only 30 codelines, the rest is documentation.
> It works fine on my system - still I have some suggestions for improvements:
> (unfortunately I don't know pearl, so I cannot do this by myself easily)
perl, without "a". it's a pearl, shur :-)
> 1. Documentation
> > If you don't want a float table, then can you delete the default-title, the word
> > "Senseless" will are delete.
> This was not clear to me at all.
> After considering to ask you to translate this to German, I found out by trying
> what happens... I suppose you meant
> > If you don't want a float table, then you can delete the default-title,
> > the word "Senseless" will disappear.
"disappear". I think you are right.
(sorry for the non-german-speaking-people :-) Auf jeden Fall, hatte ich
folgendes gemeint:
Wenn du eine normale tabelle willst, statt einer Floating-Tabelle, dann lösche
den Titel,
und schon verschwindet das Wort "Senseless" (das nicht editierbar ist)
> 2. However, I would like if I had the option to turn off the title
> completely, e.g.
> > --title="A pretty title for a pretty table" (default:"Title of the LyX table")
> --title="" (no title)
> At present, the word Senseless appears also in this case - with an empty
> senseless title)
Maybe, if I don't write "caption". I must try.
But then i must include the following option
> 3.HOW USE IT (under Linux):
> > antonio@bidone:~ >cat mycsvfile | csv2lyx > mytmptable.lyx
> It would be more straightformward, if one could do
> antonio@bidone:~ >csv2lyx mycsvfile
> to get mycsvfile.lyx and
> antonio@bidone:~ >csv2lyx mycsvfile mytmptable.lyx
> in case a different output filename is wanted.
I have an idea:
--fileoutput="mytmptable.whatyoutwant.lyxParExample" (default: StandardOut =
--lyxfile (without parameters) (the same as
> 4. I would much appreciate an option to turn on the lines separating
> rows/collumns. (one global option might do, possibly 2 for rows and
> collums separately: there is no problem to change one or two linesettings
> (to separate the first row, say) but it is quite a lot of clicking to
> change it for all rows/collumns.
I don't know if I have understand.
You want an option to tell at the script, that he must made a line on the top
and on the bottom of the first row.
(sorry for the non-german-speaking-people :-)
Du möchtest al option die möglichkeit den Header (die erste Zeile) anders zu
z.B. die erste zeile mit linie oben und unten, die zeite zeile, oben. alle
anderen nicht.
die letzte nur unter.
--header (without parameters, for the moment) (first row: line top and bottom,
second row: line top)
I use 1.1.4fix1, so my script must be compatible with this version.
Ok. Idea:
> could this script be called from the external inset? Would the table then appear
> in the GUI or just a [external inset] button?
??? Sorry !
? You want let the mytmptable.lyx in a file. so if you change the csv-file you
dont must redo
the formatting.
In this case the optionslist must be longer. Maybe it is better use an html-like
I-self want do somethings like this.
If you have some ideas...
A) <table border="0|1">
<th align="center|left|right"> = bold (align valid for the whole column)
B) --header (first row bold, line on top and bottom)
--align="rlrcr" (first column=right, second=left, thirt=right, ...."
Nicht unbedingt verstanden.
Meinst du: kann man dieses komische table.lyx als separates file lassen, oder
muss man
ihn unbedingt defintiv importiere?
Wenn diese die Frage war, dass habe ich folgende Antwort.
Habe noch nicht probiert. Möchte es aber. Dann sollte man die möglichkeit haben,
mit den optionen des perlscripts
auch die formatierung im griff zu bekommen.
Habe noch nicht entschieden ob ich weiter ein tab-sep-val file benütze, oder die
syntax con html.
Die syntax von html hat ja viele ähnliche funktionen: colspan,
align="right|left|center", width, border
Natürlich müsste man die Syntax ein weinig ändern, aber, wie der liebe Wall
sagt: eine tugend ist die Faulheit!