On Fri, 25 May 2001 08:54:50 +0200 wrote A.Gulino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi folks,
> I send you my very little perlscript. If you think it is long, its not true.
> there are a only 30 codelines, the rest is documentation.
Hi Antonio,
thanks for that little script of yours- I like it and I like it to be well
documented :-)
It works fine on my system - still I have some suggestions for improvements:
(unfortunately I don't know pearl, so I cannot do this by myself easily)
1. Documentation
> If you don't want a float table, then can you delete the default-title, the word
> "Senseless" will are delete.
This was not clear to me at all.
After considering to ask you to translate this to German, I found out by trying
what happens... I suppose you meant
> If you don't want a float table, then you can delete the default-title,
> the word "Senseless" will disappear.
2. However, I would like if I had the option to turn off the title
completely, e.g.
> --title="A pretty title for a pretty table" (default:"Title of the LyX table")
--title="" (no title)
At present, the word Senseless appears also in this case - with an empty
senseless title)
3.HOW USE IT (under Linux):
> antonio@bidone:~ >cat mycsvfile | csv2lyx > mytmptable.lyx
It would be more straightformward, if one could do
antonio@bidone:~ >csv2lyx mycsvfile
to get mycsvfile.lyx and
antonio@bidone:~ >csv2lyx mycsvfile mytmptable.lyx
in case a different output filename is wanted.
4. I would much appreciate an option to turn on the lines separating
rows/collumns. (one global option might do, possibly 2 for rows and
collums separately: there is no problem to change one or two linesettings
(to separate the first row, say) but it is quite a lot of clicking to
change it for all rows/collumns.
but, despite of my nagging - Thanks again for the good job
Dear Lyx-gurus,
could this script be called from the external inset? Would the table then appear
in the GUI or just a [external inset] button?