On Tue, 29 May 2001, Niklas Werner wrote:
> - Even if LyX crashes you still will at most have lost a word or two!
In my opinion the stability of a GNU/Linux system + Lyx is a major
advantage. I'm working on a big document (>200 pages, about 100 figures)
and indeed never lost more than a line of text (in the rare event of a
I don't dare to imagine what would have become of me when I would
have started this in Word!
> - lyx-files are small and human-readable (ie UNIX-tool-parseable ,-)):
> long live sed, awk an Perl!)
Compare this to the horrible M$Word-format (which becomes even more
horrible when it gets corrupted during a failed write operation, via
e.g. a spurious network connection)...
Dirk De Bruyker
K.U.Leuven, dept. Esat-Micas